Tuesday, January 14, 2020


wow. it's so good to be back on this little space.
I haven't blogged in so long.
so much has changed, it's been one crazy year.
we bought another new vehicle, we took two family vacations as a family of 4 with baby b in my tummy the whole time (one trip we didn't even know it yet), the girls graduated Kindergarten, and started first grade, we celebrated their 6th birthday, Kylee joined tball, the girls lost several teeth over the summer, I found out I was expecting, I quit my job during the pregnancy, Kaylee joined dance, we unfortunately had a hospital stay due to Kaylee's RAD acting up, but thankfully this year hasn't been as bad as years before.
we celebrated my pregnancy by having an unforgettable baby shower with family and friends, and we found out we need to quickly move out of the home that was my grandparents where I grew up as a little girl, it's also been the home we brought all 3 of our children home to and created so many memories in as a family. As much as it's been a good year, if I'm being honest it was also a very challenging year for us and a lot of hurtful things were done to us by others, but you live and you learn, you learn who's there, and who's not... this was probably the most challenging yet but we made it, and we ended 2019 with a bang by bringing our sweet boy into the world, and we're starting 2020 out by closing on our new home this week. 
2019 was a bittersweet year to say the least, but I'm ready to see what 2020 has in store for us.

stay tuned for Brantley's birth story next.

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