Sunday, June 26, 2016

S U N D A Y.

Sunday's are my favorite, normally it's our stay in our pj's and watch movies type of day but not anymore.. JD and I have been talking for a while about getting ourselves + the girls back into Church. Let me just start by saying, they love it.. I love it.. but JD didn't get to go yet because he worked last night so he had to stay home and get some sleep. Sunday School is at 9:15, I met my Aunt Shelley at the church around 9 a.m because I wasn't sure where to even take the girls. This is the first time I've went to church and taken the girls with me.. I was always afraid too because I never leave my girls anywhere. However, they will be 3 July 14th and they're big girls now so this will be good for them and get them prepared for actual school.. plus, church is much needed in life. Jesus is much needed.

All through breakfast, I talked to them about where we were going, why we were going, and that Mommy can't stay in the classroom with them. They took it well, more Kaylee than Kylee which I figured would happen. Kaylee saw toys and took off, Kylee sort of turned around giving me this look like "please don't go mom" We got back upstairs, found our seats, sat down to eat breakfast.. This church has donuts.. can I seriously get an amen?! Everyone who knows me, knows it's either donuts or pancakes for breakfast. Sunday school was about to start, Aunt Shelley had to run back down to make sure the girls stayed there even through church once it began at 10.. she was taking a while which made me think Kylee was upset so she was trying to calm her.. sure enough, she was. 
It felt great to be back in church, the kids did great besides Kylee getting upset here and there when she realized I was gone but they never did have to come get me so that's a blessing. The girls will adapt to it, although Kaylee was already asking as soon as we got in the car..
 "Mom, I want to go back to church"
Kylee kept saying "I cry to the teacher, I say I want Mommy but sissy was good"
 One of the teachers came up to me afterwards telling me how sweet my girls were to one another. When Kylee was crying Kaylee kept trying to comfort her, the teacher told us once Kylee stopped crying and started to play.. Kaylee came up to her saying "She is ok now, she's not upset"
As much as they can drive me insane, they are the sweetest girls especially to one another although they fight like cats and dogs. I love their twin bond, there is nothing like it and that is a blessing in itself.

We had a great first morning back to church and I do believe we found the perfect one for our little family. This is a baptist church, it's very traditional which JD and I both love. The people are friendly and the Pastor was wonderful.. plus, they feed you donuts which I didn't even know about.. I think it's a sign.. maybe even a thank you from God for getting my behind back into church where it belongs. I'm so excited for this new beginning for us and I can't wait to continue to build my relationship with God!

After church, we headed home so I could feed the girls lunch and get them down for naps so I could start thinking about dinner. Dinner was Loaded Totchos .. not quite sure why it's called that. I found it on Pinterest, of course but there isn't any nachos in it. I don't have a clue but I do know that it's delicious.

It's so simple to make, too!


32 oz bag of Tator Tots. enough to fill the pan. I used a baking sheet to bake the tator tots for 15 min at 425.

While those are baking, you need a bowl to fill with 1 cup of ranch and 1 cup of sour cream, mix it together.
Once the tator tots are finished, I switched them over into this easy pan I can just trash when we're finished with it. Pour the tator tots into it, pour the bowl full of sour cream and ranch on the tator tots.
cover with shredded cheese. I used Colby Jack. Cover with bacon bits (normally I cook bacon & cut it up)
Cover with chopped onions.

bake for 5 more minutes, enough to melt the cheese.


We ate, JD took some to work, and then I sat down on the couch to relax my full belly while the girls played quietly.. and they did, too. Surprisingly. They also asked to watch The Good Dinosaur for the 1044363 time this week. But, I don't mind.
We also went over our numbers, colors, and shapes. I recently bought two workbooks for their age along with flash cards to help them with counting. They know all of their colors and can even name most shapes which is good for not even being 3 yet.

Sunday's are my favorite and these are all the reasons why.

These two cause me to want to pull my hair out.
Make my blood boil most days.
Make me want to scream at the top of the world.
But, I am blessed because not everybody gets to experience this crazy thing we call Motherhood so I'm going to accept the hard times that come along with it, and enjoy the fun times, too.
I know they won't be this little for long so I am going to make the most of it while they're still young.
I wouldn't want to fight like sister's or take bathroom mirror selfies with anyone else in life.
I love you both to the moon and back.
don't you ever grow up.

x0x0 Brooke

Friday, June 24, 2016

Fun Filled Fridays

Craft of the day.

- Dory

These girls are busy, busy, busy and since we are always home during the day sometimes they tend to get as bored as I do with the same every day routine.. so, 
one day will be the park, one day will be crafts, going outside to play at least an hour a day if not more, movies in the evenings after bath time to get settled down which means we are in for the night and getting ready for bed at least by 7:00 pm besides on certain weekends when we are expected to be out late because these girls need at least an hour or a little more to calm down before I just throw them into bed. Normally Kaylee is up until 10, but with all of these new activities I'm going to be making them do.. as well as being outside more in a day.. I'm sure it's going to wear her out more. I'm hoping anyway.. because she fights me on most nights meanwhile Kylee is sound asleep by 8:30 - 9:00 pm.
It's 7:30 and Kaylee is laying down watching a movie.. whoop whoop. 

Momma = 1
Kaylee = 0

anyway, that's an update for another blog post.
back to "Fun Filled Fridays"

the girls loved making Dory, although JD did have to pull Kaylee to the side a few times for telling me "NO", being impatient while I helped her sister, she's very demanding, very strong willed, and wants what she wants at that time. Besides that, it was a lot of fun and I can see us making Nemo in our near future also.
might just start a collection of the Finding Dory cast.

For creating Dory
you will need; 

1) paper plates.
2) blue paint + paint brush.
3) yellow cupcake wrappers.
 (cut them into a triangle for the fin)
4) popsicle sticks.
5) googly eyes.

also, don't forget to use scissors to cut her a mouth.

next -lunch
 BBQ Onion Rings & Hotdogs.

 next - outside playtime.

who needs a bathing suit? just sit in it in your clothes. whatever works.
the water table has been a great investment so for any new toddler Mommas out there, 
go buy one for the Summer. 
Hours of entertainment.

next; bathtime, movie, & french braid learning session for Momma.

bathtime was splashing, fighting over who gets what toy, 
some more splashing, 
more fighting over who gets to put what toy in what spot.

me; let's go girls, come on.
them; screaming, pinching, hair pulling, annnnd crying.

finally. they're out, they're dried, teeth are brushed.
it's movie time.  
The Good Dinosaur.
no, really. I mean it.

I've asked the girls if they want to watch it at least 3 times in the last few days.
If you've seen it, you understand me. If you haven't seen it, please go watch it and thank me later.
These new children movies lately can relate to real life. or maybe I'm just an adult who understands now and all of my childhood movies were the same. who knows, but it's super cute.

If you read my last blog post where I said I was learning to french braid, I can now say I'm officially getting the hang of it. now to just get it a little bit tighter so it stays in all day with a busy toddler running wild all day.
pretty good job for a beginner.

that's all for Friday.
Enjoy the weekend, y'all!

- Brooke x0

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Popcorn & Movie Time.

Finding Dory.
This is the movie I had planned to be the first movie for our big girls 
I loved Finding Nemo as a child, my girls loved it as well so I had my heart set on this being the movie. Our movie theater is connected to the mall so JD dropped me off at the door so I could run in to grab two Finding Dory shirts for our little ladies. If you're going to the movies for the first time you might as well go all out, so that's what we did.

1. Cute braided hair - check..
( well, sorta. I'm still learning on how to do this whole french braid thing.)
2. Finding Dory Shirts- check
3. Kiddie boxes with popcorn, apple juice, & gummies - check
4. Nemo & Dory sippy cups - check
5. watch Finding Dory - check

The girls surprisingly did great the entire movie with only one bathroom break.
They sat still for the whole first half, the second half they ("they" meaning Kaylee)
started to get a little squirmy but.. that's just Kaylee. She's wild, rambunctious, & out of control lately and does anything to test your patience.
But, they're two & a half.. 
with that being said, they did great for being toddlers.

We spoke about Dory on the way to the car, at their Paw-Paw's house and I'm sure it will be the topic of conversation for weeks to come. We are home now, JD's working outside and the girls are in their little pool and water table. It's a little toasty outside to be 6:00pm


It was a fun time.
time to cook dinner.
Meatball sub casserole, it is.
Have a great evening!

- Brooke x0

Monday, June 20, 2016

Celebrating the most important man in our life.

For starters, I hope all the dads everywhere had an amazing day that they deserved. We started our day out with presents, and then breakfast of course but first.. presents. This year was pretty simple to pick out gifts for J.D.. He mentioned a Yeti Rambler once, and by the next day I had it ordered and shipped to the house. He loves pictures all around the house so my second idea was to have a Canvas of him and the girls on the beach shipped to CVS, my third idea was a Red Lobster gift card so he can finally eat the crab legs he's been craving. As a child, I started to swell up and turn blue from Old Bay chips and ever since I haven't had one bite of any type of seafood so.. It looks as if I can sit and watch him devour the crab legs until I get tested to see if I still have the allergy I did as a child.
Second - We Eat.

Bob Evans.
French Toast & Scrambled Eggs.
Gimme all the breakfast food.

We took JD's father out for breakfast this year, which was a 20 minute wait when we arrived so..
a photo session it is.
one picture and we had the perfect one.. whaa? this never happens.

She looks as stuffed as I felt after breakfast.

We headed home to relax and let our bellys settle before heading out again for my cousins high school graduation party. He's 18, graduated, and headed to West Virginia University.
Holy Moly. Time slow down, please and thanks.
Before I even know it, I'll be doing a blog post of my girls heading to Kindergarten.
 Before loading the girls back into the car, I snapped a few cute photos of the girls with their Daddy.

We spent the rest of the afternoon into the evening with tons of family and friends celebrating Isaac's graduation with tons of food, Cornhole (I promise you, it's an outdoor game), and a playground for the kids to be entertained with.. oh, and tons of throwback pictures which I have one below to share. Kaylee was passed out in my arms before we even left the park, the heat kicked her butt. 
By 5 pm, we loaded up the car with food for me because I was still so full from breakfast that I didn't even get a chance to eat lunch. When we got home, I bathed and changed into sweatpants, ate the plate of food I brought home only for JD to pop his head in the door and say "Lexi said we can go see her horse tonight at 8" so.. back out the door we go but I wasn't complaining because who doesn't love horses? 

What a cute little throwback of me and Isaac.

Finally, we headed home.. for good.. but first, ice cream. My usual stop for ice cream had a line so long I decided I wanted to hit the drive thru at DQ just to get home faster which was still crowded too but I didn't have to get out of the car to wait at least so that's a plus.

Have I even mentioned how much I love, love, LOVE these type of days spent with friends and family? Because I do.

- x0x0 Brooke

Brantley - 3 Months

3 Months. 3 whole months of loving on you sweet boy. I never knew I could love any harder  than the first time I became a Momma, but I...