Being a mom is hard, being a twin mom can be even harder.. emotionally.
Most look at it as "well I have four.. you only have two" or "well mine are a year apart"
.... I have two who needed diaper changes at the same time, potty trained at the same time, learning to walk/crawl at the same time, and now as toddlers.. they both go to school at the same time.. one isn't older than the other so they go through the same emotional stages together, one isn't more mature than the other as other children who are a year apart.. physically we all may feed our kids of all ages at the same time, and bedtime may be at the same time.. however, emotionally/mentally my children are on the same level which makes it hard at times when trying to teach them basic life rules, trying to get them up and motivated for school.. so yes, your four kids and children with a one year gap -- I'm sure are hard, I don't doubt it one bit, but twins are on a completely different level than children who have a one year gap between them.
If you're a twin momma, you get me.
Our schedule looks like this.
I wake up around 5:30am / the girls at 6:00am.
They eat breakfast (unless they choose to eat at school that day)
Kaylee gets a bath every morning before school, Kylee gets a bath every night before school.
In the meantime, I'm getting myself ready. Normally it's hair up from the day before, or I'll just throw it up with a hat on for the day with very minimum makeup.
7:20 -- we are out the door and headed to school.
7:40 -- the girls go in
8:00-- I'm at work
1:20 -- I leave work to pick the girls up.
1:40 -- the girls are out of school
2:00-3:00pm -- cooking for dinner already
(depending on their daddy's work schedule for the day)
3:00-4:00 -- picking up the house normally from the day before + in between the girls playing if they aren't cleaning their room at the time.
5:15-5:30 -- girls eat dinner
I try to rest in between, normally it doesn't happen. I'm usually on my feet from 5:30 on.
6:00 -- Kylee is in the bath
6:45-7:00 -- girls are heading to bed
By 7:00pm they are normally out.. if they don't get a full night of sleep.. it isn't pretty.
And by that time, I'm dead to the world: I'm normally out by 7:30 every night besides weekends.
Being a stay at home mom was no different other than school and work is thrown into the mix now which does make it a tad bit crazier since they have to get up and get ready daily instead of staying in pj's all day, but we're getting the hang of things. Getting two (girl) toddlers ready at the same, isn't fun.
Behavior lately.
Tv has been cut back to 30 minutes before school and maybe an hour after depending on if they play on their tablets. You call other parents "strict" growing up, until you become one and quickly realize you have to limit your child, and you also have to make it known who's the one with the rules. Kaylee tests us often, almost every day now.. she tries to hit/kick at times, she cries/gets mean when you take the tablet away (another reason why we limit them with electronics)
As a parent, you want nothing more than to always be the nice parent, the one who gives their child everything and constantly smiles/laughs with her kids.. but, it's more than that. Being a parent is crying in the bedroom when you've had enough in one day, arguing with your child to eat dinner unless you want your child eating donuts and cookies, of course.. - it's telling them a million times to "go to sleep" at night due to school the next morning.. it isn't always sunshine and rainbows as I always say.
Kylee's behavior has been the usual.. she's usually full of smiles, but at times even she likes to give attitude because she sees her sister doing so but she quickly realizes who is and who isn't the boss.
Not every day is going to be perfect, and I get that. They're growing and learning as we had to do.
Kaylee's temper does get the best of her, and lately it's been at an all time high. Just yesterday morning, JD had to take the tablet and put it up until she decides to cool it a little with her attitude/hitting. I'm not sure if it's the brand new schedule, or if she's just going through a different phase.. regardless, it isn't okay, and surely isn't acceptable to treat others that way so the tablet is ours until he says otherwise. We're not ones who believe in making your toddler do chores, but when I'm sweeping up your mess and you look me dead in the face and purposely throw your lunch meat down on the floor for me to clean.. I do not think so. Kaylee learned her lesson when she threw a piece of ham down while I was already cleaning up her mess. she thought she would get away with doing so.. she thought wrong when I handed her the broom and made her clean up her own mess. it didn't phase her much.. due to the fact that even though she's the one who gives us the most fit, she's also the one who's the most helpful and will help me load the dishwasher (without me asking), and she'll help me put clothes away. she's a great kid, just a bad attitude problem at times.
Sleep lately.
Sleep has been better than normal. Usually bed time was one of the worst times of the day, and at times it still can be. I saw another twin mom use the "sleep coupon" theory.. so we tried it and it's worked. I printed mine out on Pinterest and illuminated them so they can be kid friendly without giving a paper cut if the girls were to carry them around. As long as they sleep all night without getting up, they receive a sleep coupon the next morning. If they get up in the middle of the night other than to go to the bathroom, one gets taken away. Every couple of sleep coupons they receive, they earn a reward in return. If they turn in 2, they receive a small reward.. if they wait to turn in 8, they receive a bigger reward.. and so on.
It's helped, we had a few setbacks with Kaylee on sleep, but for the most part she's been in her bed every night with no fits.
School lately.
school is school. nothing new.
they go monday-friday.. with some fridays off.
they've made a few new friends.
for right now, the teachers are getting the hang of things for the new school year and getting to know their new kids.
The girls love it, and so far nothing negative has been sent to me through the app we have set up with the classroom/teacher which is all that matters to me.. as long as they're doing great.
Kylee was sick and missed a day aleady, but now she's better and right back to school with her sister.
it's a four day weekend coming up and I'm excited to spend it with my girls.
I believe that's it for the update on how our life is lately (:
If I don't respond to a pm, or I don't respond to a text. More than likely I'm asleep, or my phone really isn't in my hands. That saying for teenagers -- "more than likely I'm ignoring you, my phone is always in my hands"
Well, clearly I'm not a teenager anymore because unless it's slow at work with no one to talk to or nothing to do, and as long as I'm home cleaning/cooking, taking care of my girls... my phone is back in my room or on silent so I don't even have to deal with hearing the notifications go crazy.
Life is too hectic to be on 5 different social media outlets at once. I like snapchat because it's a snap of a picture and that's it. I love, love, LOVE instagram because of how many other twin mommies / mommies in general I can connect with. I love seeing all of the pictures, and so much positivity.
Facebook and twitter have become my least favorite social media. It's full of negativity and drama. I use it for Younique, which i'm keeping at part time/a hobby and I use it to update family members with pictures of the girls due to them being far away.
Other than that, I try to minimize my time spent on Facebook.
I don't need to update my life daily through Facebook, I blog because it's my favorite outlet and I know reading other mommy blogs, helps me a ton so in return -- I do the same.
I use my social media mainly for pictures, and pictures only.
Thanks for taking the time to read my blogs.
And for keeping up with our crazy hectic life.
Would I throw another baby into the mix? Yep. Sure would and will one day soon.
No matter how crazy/hectic it gets, this is the life I chose and the life I love.
Stay tuned through out the year because we have plenty of fun, and exciting changes coming our way.
Xoxo Brooke